Areas of Expertise
GAAP Financial Reporting
Audit Readiness and Assistance
The requirements of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are nuanced and complicated. We have transitioned multiple company’s financials from cash basis to GAAP compliant financials.
Accounting Records Cleanup
Financial audits are intense, especially when going through your very first one. Most companies take a year or longer to get through their very first audit. Don’t let this be you. Ensure you are prepared and have the resources to ensure you can provided necessary support to your auditors. We have gotten companies through several first time audits within short 3-6 month timeframes.
Systems Implementations
It is important for your business to have the best Financial Tech Stack. We have experience across all of the major accounting systems, and we can help guide you to the best ones. We can then assist with the implementations and provide best practices for fully leveraging the efficiencies of these systems.
Tax Strategy and Compliance
Ensuring you are fully compliant is extremely important for your business. Further, there may be tax strategies that you’re not utilizing that could save you money now or in the future. A few areas of consideration are:
Startup Tax Credits and Deductions
Sales Tax and Nexus Compliance
Sales Tax process setup and streamline